
RRS & Company is guided by a set of core principles that define our character and culture. These shared convictions guide our professional and personal conduct serving as a fundamental strength of our business.
  • There are no higher ethical values than truth, honesty, accountability, and professionalism. We hold ourselves to the highest professional ethics.
  • We lead the market by seeing and seizing opportunities overlooked by others.
  • Commitment, dedication, hard work, and determination are our instruments of success.
  • We pursue excellence in everything we do. Quality preempts quantity.
  • Our performance is measured and rewarded based on long-term investment success.
  • We make decisions based upon analytical rigor, open debate, and logic-based judgments.
  • We are a team, not a collection of individuals, we work together to achieve shared goals. Teamwork, collegial interaction, and collaborative activity form a common bond for achievement.
  • We respect confidentiality.
  • We will always benefit from critical review and a goal of constant improvement.